miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2008

Writing to Sony (Inglés)

Sr.(s) Users of Play Station 3. Att. Mr. James Armstrong, Delegated Advisor of Sony Entertainment Spain.
Att. Mr. Iván Ferrer Luis Perez, public Relations of Sony Spain.


He within the framework motivates the present the disagreement of the Spanish users of Sony and the mark PlayStation before the multitude of decisions and carried out actions of the European market and more concretely the Spanish, with his policy. The exposition of this writing has been made based on these decisions, that under the point of view of those who writes and supports the present, damages, discriminates and therefore, they do not compare in equality of conditions, to the Japanese European user with or the American.

Thanks to the knowledge and pursuit carried out by our part, on the sales registered in their division of videojuegos in the European market, which does not do more than to grow, do not let produce perplexity to us the numerous errors that under our humble point of view their decisions for this, our market, and we entail their consumers.

From our situation we want to present our total rejection, and astonishment as already we aimed previously, before several subjects occurred around its PlayStation mark after the launching of its product PlayStation 3 in Europe the 21 of March of 2007.

With its permission we happened to mention as they are the subjects that they carry out and they have been the leading ones of our putting in contact with you and before that we wished take in consideration our constructive critics, because they simultaneously try to be contributions, like usuary faithfuls from its products that single look for the best thing for both:

1. The multitude of cases of failure and therefore, the consequences put in contact with the Service of Technical Attention, shows, we suppose, ignorance of the present Spanish Law of guarantees of consumer goods, in which it talks about to the years of guarantee available in any product. This guarantee must of being by Law of a total of two years. In addition, to also point the incomprehensible neglect in which the propietary users of a determined console model are themselves immersed (model console PlaySation 3 60gb) before the excessive delay in their return of the damaged good.

2. No is included/understood, the nonexistence and availability in Europe of a console model PlayStation 3 with equiparables benefits to the model available in the U.S.A. This model is, as you know, a model with capacity of 80gb of storage and what in the past, it was the standard of his product and marks, the retrocompatibilidad. Let us create, like expert users of the sector, that could as much be beneficial for its mark as for us, the coexistence in the market of two models to choose of its product, present (console PlayStation 3 40gb) and the other with greater hard disk, retrocompatibilidad, really, greater benefits (3 PlayStation 80gb). Since there are different users, with diverse tastes and necessities porqué not to have different types from product to choose the one that is conformed more to the necessity of each user.

3. We considered , from our position, totally inadmissible the state or maintenance by means of the administration of contents of the European Store that is reduced of very small form to an inferior quality as far as services of unloading of contents in comparison with the one of the other two great markets.

4. We do not know as is the reason by which it is made, of erroneous form, the currency comparison 1$ = 1. This measurement, already well-known and rejected by the users continues being effective in the abusive prices which the European users we are ourselves pushed having to resort to the import. Let us think that we are in the right to demand a conversion to the real par of the currency market.

5. The nonexistence in Europe of the awaited "Cards prepayment" (that yes have been present for a long time in the other two important markets) disables the purchase of many of the users which causes displeasure and indignation. Once again, and although it seems lie, the market that registers the sales of the console PlayStation 3 at world-wide level is seen remarkably discriminated in equality of treatment and benefits.

6. The last point, we would like to remember that all the users of PlayStation 3 in Spain do not have access to broadband of Internet which prevents to obtain the updates them of games, some of great importance to correct "bugs". Let us think that this problem would have easy solution if those necessary patches or updates included every month in a Blu-Ray of the official magazine in which they are included in addition we give them that these users cannot obtain by means of the connection online by the Store.

Lamentably, it is difficult to us like mere users, to know if for sure our contributions and restlessness exposed here, will be taken in consideration by that corresponds within S.C.E.E. But what yes he is safe and we want that therefore is taken in consideration, it is that the birth of this platform tries and will try to also reach nonsingle at the greater number of users of Spain who can be felt identified with our position, but the rest of European users who are united to us in the search of the deserved treatment that we deserve ourselves and which refuses to us.

We are thankful that the subject is evaluated, and waited a quick answer from our request.

Plataforma Europea de Usuarios PS3 Contra la Desigualdad (PEUCD)
E-Mail: plataformaps3desigualdad@hotmail.es

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